E-Commerce sites built using Wordpress. Easy to maintain and tailored to your tastes.
Let your next project look great on any device! I use Bootstrap and Foundation 5 to create a beautiful experience on any device!
Migrate your application to the web and become system agnostic!
I first clicked "view source" and was enamored with the underpinnings of website development. I quickly began to discover HTML5 and CSS3 and how I could bend them to my desires (mostly).
I loved clicking on websites and interacting with them when encouraged to so I dove into some basic javascript and jQuery interactions, making my websites even more appealing than before.
The PCUSA hired me to create a static webpage that would act as a landing page for their Special Offerings ministry. I used HTML5, CSS3, and basic javascript to create an attractive and fun experience for visitors!
Through assorted internships and a position at Simplexity Marketing group, I began to grow some chops for PHP and the framework Laravel. I helped build a large scale application using Laravel, KendoUI, and AngularJS.